Dermdox Mohs Surgery Center

Let Us Treat Your Skin Cancer Today!

Trust DermDox for Mohs Surgery—a meticulous and advanced procedure where our expert team's precision ensures the most effective removal of skin cancer while preserving healthy tissue, prioritizing your health and well-being.

About Mohs Surgery

Mohs Surgery is a specialized and highly effective technique used for the precise removal of skin cancer, particularly in areas where preserving healthy tissue is crucial, such as the face. During the procedure, a skilled dermatologic surgeon begins by removing the visible tumor or lesion, followed by a thin layer of surrounding tissue. This removed tissue is then meticulously examined under a microscope in an on-site laboratory. The surgeon maps and analyzes the tissue margins, searching for any remaining cancer cells. This iterative process is repeated until no cancerous cells are detected, ensuring that the tumor is completely excised while sparing the maximum amount of healthy tissue. This meticulous approach significantly reduces the chance of cancer recurrence and minimizes the impact on the patient’s appearance.

Mohs Surgery is especially beneficial for skin cancers with ill-defined borders or those located in cosmetically sensitive areas. The real-time examination of tissue during the procedure allows for immediate adjustments, ensuring a thorough removal of cancerous cells while preserving as much normal tissue as possible. The precision and high cure rates associated with Mohs Surgery make it a preferred choice for treating certain types of skin cancer, offering patients the best possible outcome with minimal scarring and maximum tissue preservation.

Meet Christine Cambell, M.D.

Christine Cabell, M.D. is double board certified in Dermatology and Micrographic Dermatology Surgery. She graduated from Penn State College of Medicine with MD degree and completed an internship in Internal Medicine and residency in Dermatology at Hershey Medical Center. Dr. Cabell then completed a Mohs Surgery and Procedural Dermatology fellowship at U Mass Medical Center. She has extensive experience in Mohs micrographic surgery and reconstruction for the treatment of skin cancers as well as excisional surgery for benign and malignant lesions, biopsy, and removal of skin lesions.

Dr. Cabell is the only surgeon in Northeast PA trained to perform Mohs surgery with Mart-1 immuno stains for treatment of melanoma in situ and lentigo maligna melanomas. Combining immunostains with the frozen sections provides precise and comprehensive margin assessment and same day reconstruction for this difficult to clear tumor in cosmetically sensitive areas.

Meet Christine Cabell, M.D.

Christine Cabell, M.D. is double board certified in Dermatology and Micrographic Dermatology Surgery. She graduated from Penn State College of Medicine with MD degree and completed an internship in Internal Medicine and residency in Dermatology at Hershey Medical Center. Dr. Cabell then completed a Mohs Surgery and Procedural Dermatology fellowship at U Mass Medical Center. She has extensive experience in Mohs micrographic surgery and reconstruction for the treatment of skin cancers as well as excisional surgery for benign and malignant lesions, biopsy, and removal of skin lesions.

Dr. Cabell is the only surgeon in Northeast PA trained to perform Mohs surgery with Mart-1 immuno stains for treatment of melanoma in situ and lentigo maligna melanomas. Combining immunostains with the frozen sections provides precise and comprehensive margin assessment and same day reconstruction for this difficult to clear tumor in cosmetically sensitive areas.

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Mohs Surgeries and Counting

Christine Cabell M.D. joined DermDox Mohs Center in January 2024 with extensive experience in Mohs micrographic surgery and reconstruction for treatment of skin cancers. On February 22, 2024 Dr. Cabell performed her 100th Mohs surgery at DermDox Mohs Center. 

Thank you to Christine and her team for making this vital treatment accessible to patients in North East PA.

DermDox Mohs Center takes pride in our ability to see patients in the most timely manner, typically within 2-3 weeks, so we can address your urgent needs. 

Our Highly Trained Team

Beck Consulting and Associates provides the only accredited program for technical training and consulting for Mohs and Histology laboratories. Patty, Lori, Charlene, Frank and Dr. Cabell  completed their Becks training January 23-25, 2024 at DermDox Mohs Center in Sugarloaf, PA. The training included how to create proficiency in cutting Mohs and Hisopathology sections and includes full CLIA documentation and Lab Workup.

The Process of Mohs Surgery

Initial Tumor Removal

The process begins with the removal of the visible tumor or lesion along with a thin layer of surrounding tissue. This initial excision is performed with care to preserve as much healthy tissue as possible.

Tissue Examination:

The removed tissue is promptly frozen and prepared for microscopic examination in an on-site laboratory. The surgeon then analyzes the tissue, mapping the margins to identify any remaining cancer cells.

Layer-by-Layer Analysis

If cancer cells are detected at the margins during microscopic examination, the surgeon precisely marks the location on the patient's skin. The process is repeated, and additional layers of tissue are removed only from the areas where cancer cells are present, sparing healthy tissue.

Repeat Until Clear

Steps 2 and 3 are iteratively carried out until no cancer cells are observed in the examined tissue. This meticulous approach ensures that the entire cancerous lesion is removed while preserving the maximum amount of surrounding healthy tissue.

Why Choose Dermdox

Choose DermDox Mohs Surgery Center for unparalleled expertise in skin cancer treatment, where our skilled surgeons employ the precise Mohs Surgery technique to ensure the highest cure rates and minimal impact on healthy tissue. Our commitment to patient-centric care, innovative solutions, and a compassionate approach makes DermDox the trusted choice for comprehensive and effective skin cancer management.

State-of-the-Art Facility

Our facility located in Sugarloaf, PA is brand new and one of a kind in the area!

We Accept Most Insurances

We accept most major insurances to tackle your surgery.

Post-Treatment Care

We are with you every step of your journey. We pride ourselves on pre and post-treatment care.

Availability and Accessibility

We are available 5 days a week, ready to treat your skin cancer. Book a consult or appointment today!


What types of skin cancer are treated with Mohs Surgery?

Mohs Surgery is commonly used to treat basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, particularly when they are located in cosmetically sensitive areas or have ill-defined borders.

How long does Mohs Surgery take?

The duration varies based on the size and complexity of the skin cancer, but Mohs Surgery sessions can last several hours. Patients should plan for a full day, as the surgeon examines each removed layer under the microscope during the procedure.

Is Mohs Surgery an outpatient procedure?

Yes, Mohs Surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure in a specialized surgical suite, allowing patients to return home on the same day.

What are the success rates of Mohs Surgery?

Mohs Surgery is associated with high cure rates, often exceeding 95% for primary skin cancers and even higher for recurrent cancers, making it an effective treatment option.

Does Mohs Surgery leave a scar?

Mohs Surgery aims to minimize scarring by selectively removing only cancerous tissue. While some scarring may occur, the procedure’s precision helps preserve healthy tissue and minimize the impact on the patient’s appearance.

Is Mohs Surgery painful?

Mohs Surgery is performed under local anesthesia, ensuring that patients do not experience pain during the procedure. Discomfort during the recovery period is typically minimal and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication.

Get Cancer Free

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Input your information below and a member of our team will be in touch to schedule your appointment.

Monday – Friday 7:30am – 4pm

6 Brookhill Square S
Sugarloaf, PA 18244

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